This beautifully built 1926 Danish vessel has seen a bit more ocean then most of us. Paul Gaitani entrusted us in protecting this 89-year-old craft from sun and water and help to further its legacy.
Tehani was actually built by Rasmussen boatyard in Nakskov Denmark in 1926. She is a traditional spidsgatter (spidsgatter is a general term for double ender in Danish). This hand-crafted sailboat is very similar to a William Atkin’s design which came out around the same time as Tehani. She was supposedly built for R. Rasmussen’s personal use but this is still pending verification.
Up and until the early 1960’s she was sailing throughout Europe. Since that period she was in Hawaii in the mid 60’s, sailed extensively in French Polynesia, Panama, and San Francisco. She was one of the many anchor-outs in Sausalito, while a young shipwrights family lived aboard during the early 80’s.
Paul’s full canvas boat cover is soon to be completed to insure there will be many new stories and adventures.